Whimsy & whatnot

Your genealogical beginnings

(Note: Links on this page appear in Gray, BOLD FONT).

When you were bitten

Was it a photo, a document, or maybe an interesting story you’d never before heard? Perhaps you learned the “truth” about a family member, a circumstance, or story you’d questioned for years? Can you recall when you were first bitten by the genealogy bug?
I want to hear your story.


A funny thing happened on the way to….

You’ve no doubt laughed along the way. What are your funniest genealogy-related stories? With no need for explanation, here is my favorite (read to the end):

bixby_maria obit text version

obit contributed by Susan Phelps

Significant finds

What have you learned?

In the comments below, let us know what your most significant genealogical finds have been. One of mine is this: grandma had chosen a different name than the one my father used all his life. We knew dad as Rodney Merle Geier. Yet…
img_20180610_0917105241703559989.jpgIn grandma’s hand, it clearly says Merle Douglas Geier. More mysterious is that dad never mentioned this, and the record was in his possession.

Sharing your stories

We want to know

If you’d like to share when and how you were first bitten by the genealogy bug, please let me know. A humorous story may relieve some of the genealogical burn-out we all feel at times. Finally, this is a great place to share the excitement of your significant finds.

I’d love to share your inspiration. You just might be an inspiration to others.

**NOTE: When you share, please use the Comments section below. If your story is longer than a few sentences, let me know ON THE CONTACT PAGE and it may be shared as a Post with the tag Whimsy & whatnot (which will then appear in the blog).

Thanks for reading. ❤

Top photo: Grandpa HAGGIE and grandma Lalla, Hood Canal, early 50s. This pose completely captures grandpa’s personality and is my favorite “grandpa” photo.

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